P-chan turns 5~ A Lego Birthday Party!
30th April 2024
Tags: baking, birthdays, family, lego, playdate, playground
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Dear Chibi,

My sweet little P-chan is 5! We sure built some fun memories together :)
Every year for his birthday, I like to throw him a themed party that reflects his current interests. Previously we’ve had The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Thomas the Tank Engine and Taiko no Tatsujin. Although he still loves watching Thomas and taiko drumming, he’s grown fond of building with Lego, so a brick party it was :D

Our baby turns 1~ P-chan’s ‘Time Flies’ Cake Smash
25th April 2020
Tags: baking, birthdays, cake smash, cooking adventures, p-chan, photo shoot
Dear Chibi,

Happy Birthday to our most precious Little Babian <3 Our first year of parenthood has truly been the best experience of my life. I can’t believe it’s over already…my little baby is now a toddler. He makes us so incredibly happy and proud. Maybe I should save this for a Mother’s Day post, but damn I’m feeling so emotional and grateful for having him in our life T_T AH, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! *sniff*
[Read More]Red Velvet Cake with Strawberries
15th January 2013
Tags: baking, cooking adventures
Dear Chibi,
In today’s episode of Chibi’s Foodie Adventures, Chibi explores the art of baking Red Velvet Cakes :D For those unaware, Red Velvet is basically a chocolate cake with red food colouring. So no, it’s not raspberry or anything like that, hehe XD
I was a little nervous about making this since I’ve never used the mixer before. Thankfully, it was actually quite simple once I read through the manual :)
Xmas Butternut Snap Rudolph Chocolate Tartlets
23rd December 2012
Tags: baking, cooking adventures, xmas
Dear Chibi,
It’s been a while since Chibi has had her last foodie adventure! I haven’t been very inspired for the last 3 months, but thanks to Christmas being just around the corner, I’ve gone all excited about it again :) Time to cook up something for the festive season! :D In this episode, we’re gonna have a look at how Chibi tackled these super cute ‘Butternut Snap Rudolph Chocolate Tartlets’~
(P.S I did not make up this recipe ;D I followed one, haha)
5th August 2012
Tags: baking, cooking adventures
Dear Chibi,
In this week’s episode, I tried to make Chocolate Brownies following this recipe! The method and ingredients is similar to Rocky Road except it’s baked in the oven like my Muffins! Again, I decided to bake two batches, one on Saturday (for guinea pig testing) and hopefully a better one on Sunday.
Here’s my end result:
Mmm…juicy and gooey ~ Served with Cookies & Cream ice-cream :D
Progress photos below :)
Muffins Galore
29th July 2012
Tags: baking, cooking adventures
Dear Chibi,
This weekend I decided to try baking muffins! It proved to be more challenging than I thought. I made a batch of 12 on Saturday which turned out pretty disappointing. The muffins were burnt on the bottom and all around the edges. The shape was also pretty weird. About half of it end up going to waste. After evaluating what could have possibly gone wrong (there were several factors) I was determined to make a better batch the next day.
This morning I headed back to Woolies to find some muffin paper cups. On Thursday night I had bought the wrongs ones (they were for cupcakes), so I thought I could just do without the paper. Oh how wrong I was~ XD
This is the end result of my Macadamia, white chocolate and raspberry muffins!
mmmmm! I’m really happy with how these came out today :D After the second batch, I had a few more left over for a third batch. The third batch was the best :D

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Email: chibijennifer@gmail.com
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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