Final Fantasy Cosplay Photo shoot
19th April 2013
Tags: cosplay, final fantasy, photo shoot, rinoa heartilly, tifa lockhart
Dear Chibi,
Seven years ago, Kaz and I had our first cosplay experience at Sydney Animania, dressing up as Tifa Lockhart and Rinoa Heartilly from the Final Fantasy series. Back then, the only non-convention photos we took were amateur shots of each other in our backyard. While it’s kinda cute and not too bad (yay for baby fat), we felt like the photos could look a lot better. Ever since Jacky purchased his DSLR, we discussed the possibility of dressing up once again and it got us all excited :D
Over the last few months, we did all sorts of preparation and research, with Jacky fine tuning his photography skills and us making enhancements to the costume.
After several delays due to the wet weather, we finally found a nice sunny Sunday! We spent about 2 hours getting ready with the hair and make-up. We started the shoot at 3pm and had 2 hours since the Gardens closed at 5pm. There really wasn’t a whole lot of time, but we fit in as much as we could. Jia also came along to help out with the shoot (or more observe his model girlfriend ;D)
I really like how some of the shots came out. This one is my personal favourite:
Aren’t the feathers pretty?? *_* Jia, Kaz and I threw them into the air ^^”
Without further delay, here are the photos:
I spent several late nights revamping the cosplay site. Please have a visit and let me know what you think :D
Special thanks to Jacky for making this all happen <3 The entire experience though fun, was very exhausting XD
[cBsM] hit Masters League in 4v4
7th April 2013
Tags: cBsM, starcraft 2
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Dear Chibi,
Last night my Starcraft 2 clan finally hit masters league in 4v4! This is the first time we’ve achieved this as a group so we’re pretty happy about it :D Now that we’ve reached the highest league on SEA, we’ve migrated to the Korean/Taiwanese server for more challenges. Surprisingly, there’s a lot less lag playing over there than on AUS/NZ @_@. Not that I’m complaining XD
We had 27 wins and 9 losses for the HoTS season
Battlecruiser Operational
17th March 2013
Tags: craft, papercraft, starcraft 2
Dear Chibi,
Look what I received today!! Jacky made me a model of the Terran Battlecruiser. Doesn’t it look so AWESOMELY EPIC? :D It’s just like the real thing…except it’s made out of paper! Yes..paper! When I first saw it I wasn’t even sure what it was made of until I touched it, eheheee.
In total it took him about 40 hours to put it altogether, aww…so much effort <3
Heart of the Swarm is out!
12th March 2013
Tags: starcraft 2
Dear Chibi,
Today is the official launch of Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm~ and I can barely contain my excitement!! I dropped by JB during my lunch break and grabbed it for $44 :) Now it’s just sitting here on my desk, waiting to be taken home :3 It’s funny how things feel different when it actually happens :D I wasn’t even that excited about it 2 weeks ago XD
I still haven’t completed the “Wings of Liberty” Campaign, but I don’t mind going back to that at a later date. For now, I just want to check out all the new features in “Heart of the Swarm”, play some ladder and gain some EXP!
Is it home time yet? :3
Diablo III
31st May 2012
Tags: diablo 3
Dear Chibi,
So I finally decided to get my hands on the much talked about Diablo III. Resistance is futile! Even Chibi is playing it! ahhh! Don’t worry Starcraft, I still love you :)
Let’s talk Starcraft 2
24th May 2012
Tags: esports, starcraft 2
Dear Chibi,
As some of you may know, I love Starcraft 2, a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. I’ve previously posted several blog entries related to my experiences on the ladder. I don’t consider myself a “gamer”, as I don’t play video games all that much. However, Starcraft 2 is a bit of an exception. I know, that sounds weird considering it’s one of the most difficult and competitive video games out there. Many players feel frustrated and their fear of losing deters them from the game entirely. If you lose, you have no one to blame but yourself. It can make you feel pretty bad, and why play a stressful game that makes you feel horrible when games are supposed to be fun? The match-making system also pits you against other players of similar skill level, so you will lose about 50% of the games. It is inevitable.
Chibi’s gaming gear
21st May 2012
Tags: razor, starcraft 2
Dear Chibi,
Jacky got me this amazing Razor BlackWidow Ultimate mechanical gaming keyboard for my birthday :D yaaaay. It’s such a beauty and I love the sound of the clicks ^^ It will take some time to adjust though since there are extra macro keys on the side. Hopefully it won’t be a problem :) I also got a Razer Goliathus gaming mouse pad. Now with these new gear along with my Razer Carcharias headset and Razer Abyssus gaming mouse – I am all set for masters league ;D

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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