[cBsM] hit Masters League in 4v4

7th April 2013 at 8:53 am

Dear Chibi,

Last night my Starcraft 2 clan finally hit masters league in 4v4! This is the first time we’ve achieved this as a group so we’re pretty happy about it :D Now that we’ve reached the highest league on SEA, we’ve migrated to the Korean/Taiwanese server for more challenges. Surprisingly, there’s a lot less lag playing over there than on AUS/NZ  @_@. Not that I’m complaining XD


We had 27 wins and 9 losses for the HoTS season

I will continue to play solo on SEA and improve on my game. I’m currently in Platinum league in HoTS. I finished the HoTS campaign a few weeks ago on ‘Normal’ difficulty (which turned out to be really fun and easy!) and I’ve already hit level 30. I feel that the new exp system introduced by Blizzard was a nice addition, though it was still a bit too easy to reach the max level. Should have made 100 levels or something, hehe ;).

Chibi SC Profile on SEA

Current HoTS Progress on SEA server

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