Pokemon Go Progress!
31st July 2016
Tags: pokemon
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Dear Chibi,
Today I reached level 23 :D Pokemon Go is still tons of fun, and I’ve been walking so much more because of it! I did 19,000 steps today, and 20,000 the last two days :O Can Chibi keep this up?
You may have noticed my Poke coins have increased! I’ve continued to battle at least once a day to claim my minimum 10 coins per day. I actually didn’t realise you could claim more than 10 coins, if you have more than 1 Pokemon at a gym at the time you claim. You may only claim once a day, but if you have 2 Pokemon in different gyms, you could claim 20 (provided they’re still at the gym when you redeem it!)
Upon learning this, Hubby and I walked around town and took down 4 gyms today, woo! :D We played it safe and claimed 20 coins after we conquered two gyms. We didn’t want to get too greedy and risk getting nothing XD We’ll aim for four next time.
My top four Pokemon defending for Team Valor
Sailor Moon R Part 2 DVD Review
17th July 2016
Tags: review, sailor moon
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See my review of Sailor Moon: Part 1 & Part 2
Sailor Moon R: Part 1
Dear Chibi,
About a week ago I received my copy of Sailor Moon R Part 2 on DVD (AU/NZ Madman release)! This is the 4th volume of the series and contains 21 episodes.
Sailor Moon R Part 2 is where it starts to get really good…and oh my the feels. I really enjoy just sitting down and watching the show. You might think it’s simply a case of nostalgia, but I’d like to think the charm and appeal of Sailor Moon is timeless. While this isn’t a Bluray disc, I never thought the video quality was poor, or outdated. For a show that’s made in the 90s, these remasters are great.
Gotta Catch ‘Em All
14th July 2016
Tags: pokemon
Dear Chibi,
It’s been a long time since I’ve played Pokemon, but Pokemon Go is so amazing! AMAZING YOU HEAR ME??!! XD WHAT AM I EVEN DOING HERE I SHOULD BE OUT IN THE BUSHES LOOKING FOR MY JIGGLYPUFF! X3
I installed the game on day one (after everyone was talking about it), but it was not until a few days later that I decided to try it out. By the time that happened, my usernames were all taken … so now I’m stuck with this:
(Seen: 43 Caught: 39)
I’m having lots of fun so far, and it’s making me want to walk even more (which is great for my daily steps!)
Looking forward to Emily’s brunch on Sunday, which is followed by a Poke Walk, woo! :D

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
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- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Email: chibijennifer@gmail.com
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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