A Whole New (Chibi) World

14th September 2012

Dear Chibi,

A quick random doodle of Aladdin I did for fun :D


Chicken & Mushroom Risotto

8th September 2012

Dear Chibi,

Risotto take 2! I had arborio rice left over from my Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Risotto dish so I decided to make it again but with chicken and mushroom!

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Sweetcorn fritters with roast tomato and crispy bacon

2nd September 2012

Dear Chibi,

I had a hard time deciding what to cook this week! Chibi is on a ‘healthy eating’ diet until end of September, so she wanted to avoid all sweets and desserts. She’s also not comfortable dealing with meat yet (no idea how to buy meat..) so no meat dishes, and prefers something that’s not too difficult or too unhealthy. She end up coming across this fritter recipe. Now it is a little unhealthy since it will be fried but it looked so yummy! heeeee. I told myself I’ll only have a little bit so it should be okay :D I’ve never fried anything before so… I need to practise!

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