SC2 Season 3!

29th July 2011

Dear Chibi,
Season 3 of Starcraft 2 has arrived! I played my placement matches for 1v1, 2v2 random and 3v3 random and ended up in the same league as last season- Platinum in 1v1, Diamond in 2v2 and Diamond in 3v3. I’ve come a long way since my bronze league days, so hopefully with a little more practise (particularly on my micro), I can get into Diamond league this season (solo) :D But of course, I’ll need to maintain Platinum first! XD

Meanwhile, I’ve got a new SC2 friend named Dstyler (thanks to Burpy) and 2 nights ago we decided to play some 2v2. Now, Dstyler is a much better player than I am. I’ve versed him three times before and lost pretty convincingly. I didn’t think he would want to team up with me but we did end up playing, kinda doing ‘whatever’ since we didn’t have much of a game plan. Surprisingly, we won 4/5 of our placement matches (Dstyler was dropped in the game we lost) and ..we landed in MASTERS LEAGUE! woohoooo! :D We were both pretty excited when the blue shiny starred icon popped up. yay!

Starcraft 2 Season 3 progress

Now to make the other ones look pretty too =D

Xian Jian 5 (Chinese Paladin 5 Game) Chibi Dolls

3rd July 2011

XianJian QiXia Zhuan 5 Chibi Dolls

Dear Chibi,
Just in time for the XianJian QiXia Zhuan 5 game release in July 07, 2011- I’ve completed a set of ‘Chibi Dolls’ of the four main leads: , , and .

Chibi Doll Jiang Yun Fan

Jiang Yun Fan was probably the easiest to draw out of the four, since his outfit was relatively straight forward (well..compared to the others!) I found it strange that both his shoes were different, but I guess no one likes things in pairs anymore :p

Chibi Doll Tang Yu Rou

Tang Yu Rou was the first of the set I drew. I really like her character design, especially the petal dress. I had a fun time drawing her :) This one is dedicated to a lovely person.

Chibi Doll Long You

Long You was rather tedious to draw, lol. His outfit is really confusing and it was a little hard finding a good reference image since most of them were slightly on an angle. I like how it turned out though, his hair was kinda fun to draw too.

Chibi Doll Xiao Man

Xiao Man..why are you so adorable? She turned out to be my favourite chibi doll (beating Tang Yu Rou by a teeeny weeeny bit). I don’t know, but she came out way better than I thought. I had a lot of trouble getting her hair shape right with the bandana. Her outfit may appear simple but it’s very very detailed! There’s a lot of texture /beads and colours on the fabric. Her hair piece was also good fun to draw :)

And…I guess that’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed looking at them :}