Starcraft2 Platinum League
8th May 2011 at 12:53 am
Dear Chibi,
Yesterday I logged onto battlenet to play a ladder game as I normally do after work. Surprisingly, I was promoted to the Platinum league after winning the match :D! OMG!
As of 6th May 2011
It took me a few moments to register before I started squealing in joy XD Usually I know when I’m about to be promoted, as I’d consistently win games and be evenly matched with opponents in a higher league. I suppose this time the transition from gold to platinum was a lot earlier than when I was stuck in silver and bronze. I’m not sure I’m good enough to be in platinum level yet. I felt like I was just sitting on low gold (with about a 27 wins, 21 losses). I guess we’ll just see how I go. It is an encouragement though since I thought gold was the highest I could reach :)
I didn’t think I’d end up having 2 blog posts about Starcraft in a row… please, don’t mind me 8D
Nah, never say a level is “the highest level I could reach”! That’s a self limiting thought (^_^).
So, is there anyone you’d like to thank :O?… *ding* ;)
hahaha ;)
[…] matches for 1v1, 2v2 random and 3v3 random and ended up in the same league as last season- Platinum in 1v1, Diamond in 2v2 and Diamond in 3v3. I’ve come a long way since my bronze league days, so […]