P-chan turns 5~ A Lego Birthday Party!
30th April 2024
Tags: baking, birthdays, family, lego, playdate, playground
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Dear Chibi,

My sweet little P-chan is 5! We sure built some fun memories together :)
Every year for his birthday, I like to throw him a themed party that reflects his current interests. Previously we’ve had The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Thomas the Tank Engine and Taiko no Tatsujin. Although he still loves watching Thomas and taiko drumming, he’s grown fond of building with Lego, so a brick party it was :D

Nowra Birthday Weekend away
24th May 2023
Tags: birthdays, family, road trip
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Dear Chibi,
Hubby organised a weekend away for my birthday down south, where we spent 2 nights in a beautiful, peaceful farm in Nowra. April-May is always pretty busy for us, so it was really nice to spend this time to unwind and go slow :D

P-chan’s Taiko no Tatsujin 4th Birthday Party!
2nd May 2023
Tags: birthdays, costume party, family, japan, jumping castle, playdate
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Dear Chibi,
Drum roll please… P-chan has turned 4!
I knew this day would come.. but I’m still not ready :’) I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to see my little baby grow up so fast….He’s even made his own little friends now. <3
For the past couple of months, P-chan has been a big fan of drums, particularly Taiko drumming. This year Hubby and I threw him a ‘Taiko no Tatsujin’ themed party at home, and everyone joined in on the fun with “A touch of Japan” :D It was such a colourful, festive sight!

Birthday Trip Part 1: My birthday
26th May 2022
Tags: beach, birthdays, family
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Dear Chibi,
Last weekend we went down south to Wollongong for 3 days to celebrate my birthday :) I like to think of it as a joint birthday getaway, but Hubby insists to make it all about me. Feeling a lot of love from my boys. Thank you to everyone who wished me a ‘Happy Birthday’ too :)

We started the day with a delicious breakfast at our local cafe. P-chan enjoyed his babyccino very much ^.^
[Read More]P-chan turns 3~ A Thomas the Tank Engine Birthday Party
9th May 2022
Tags: birthdays, p-chan, thomas the tank engine

Dear Chibi,
Happiest 3rd birthday to our sweet little P-chan! I can’t believe how quickly he’s growing up..Can he just stay this cute forever? :3 It felt like yesterday when I was planning his second Hungry Caterpillar themed party. For the past couple of months he’s been very much loving the blue tank engine (well, and green…and brown among others LOL), so I knew this had to be his party theme this year. I felt like I spent 1000 hours designing and putting everything together, but it was so worth it in the end seeing him so happy ^.^

My Birthday Weekend Farm Stay
24th May 2021
Tags: birthdays, family, farm animals, farm stay, photo shoot, road trip

Dear Chibi,
Another year younger…who’s keeping count? ;) My birthday landed on a Friday this year, but Hubby made sure I still had my favourite type of breakfast~ Waffles with oreo icecream served with hot hojicha..yummmm…what a way to start the day! ^.^ <333

My dinner request was a no-brainer~ SUKIYAKI :DDD The cold has made it particularly awesome this year.

Hubby surprised me with this gorgeous Banana Caramel Cake from Patisserie New York. So delicious and pretty!! *_* The macaron..oh my.

P-chan turns 2~ A Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party
26th April 2021
Tags: birthdays, family, p-chan, playground
Dear Chibi,

Happy 2nd birthday to our Hungry Little Caterpillar :3 He’s growing up to be a very kind, gentle boy and I hope he knows how much Mummy and Daddy loves him <3

P-chan has always enjoyed Eric Carle’s illustrations and is particularly fond of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Maybe it’s because it loves to eat, but most likely because it’s green – his favourite colour. I chose this book as his party’s theme to reflect this innocent time of his life…toddlerhood :)

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Email: chibijennifer@gmail.com
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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