Well, Legacy of the Void is here!
29th December 2015
Tags: starcraft 2
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Dear Chibi,
AH, Starcraft 2. It’s been months (years?) since I last played Heart of the Swarm, and I wasn’t sure if I would end up getting the new Legacy of the Void protoss expansion~ but it’s Christmas time, and my bro is awesome so… NOW I’VE GOT THE GAME 8D
Oh these note pads :’D. This is gonna sound silly but I’m slightly disappointed by the fact this notepad design is not Protoss/Starcraft exclusive. Where’s the consistency? I don’t want a generic Blizzard image, XP.
I spent some time checking out the new features, game modes (archon mode, CO-OP, vs AI) and had a glimpse of the new units. Most of the game feels about the same, except I’ll probably have to learn new build order/openings since the timing is all crazy off with additional starting workers, and less mineral patches. Interesting to see how I can incorporate the new Terran units too. They’re kinda weird at the moment, haha.
Well, I guess it’s time to Find Match! :D
Chibi Doll~ Rikku. Final Fantasy X girls set complete!
3rd August 2015
Tags: chibi, final fantasy, final fantasy X
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Dear Chibi,

And here is the Rikku Chibi Doll :) I hope you like it! I’m actually sick at home today with the flu :( NooOOOO. I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN RIGHT NOW : < *sob* Guess I’ll take some panadol and have a rest…

In the meantime.. enjoy these cuties :D!
Chibi Doll~ Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
2nd August 2015
Tags: chibi, final fantasy, final fantasy X
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Dear Chibi,
So I end up drawing Yuna today :) What a pretty outfit. Now I just need to make a Rikku doll to complete the girls set!
Chibi Doll~ Lulu (Final Fantasy X)
1st August 2015
Tags: chibi, final fantasy, final fantasy X
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Dear Chibi,
Just felt like drawing Lulu :D Not sure if I’ll draw the other characters..maybe one day :)
Final Fantasy X.
1st August 2015
Tags: fangirling, final fantasy, final fantasy X
Dear Chibi,
I recently finished playing the main story of FFX (PS4 remastered version) and have been feeling a little empty inside… THIS GAME SO SAD AND BEAUTIFUL AND TRAGIC. AHHHHHHH.. Just wonderful. I love the main characters so much… Yuna, Tidus, Auron, Lulu, Calamari (ohoho), Wakka and Rikku. I loved seeing Yuna and Tidus gradually fall for each other, but I also loveeeeeeed Lulu and Wakka’s interaction. It was intriguing, which lead me to constantly talk to Lulu throughout the game. I didn’t know about the game’s hidden ‘affection’ mechanics, which slightly changes certain scenes in the game, depending on which character ‘likes’ you the most through your actions. It goes without saying, Lulu end up with the highest affection score so Tidus gets a ride with her, and she’s the one passing the Blitz Ball to Tidus during his limit break 8D. hehee, that’s kinda cool… though WOULD YUNA NOT BE MORE APPROPRIATE? XP
Yuna’s sending. OMG Yuna is perfection :’)
And yes.. I squealed like a 13 year old fan-girl watching the kiss scene >w<
My LoL adventures
17th May 2015
Tags: cBsM, league of legends
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Dear Chibi,
I’ve recently started playing League of Legends for the last 2 months, and it’s turning out pretty fun :) I don’t particularly like trying out new things, especially when it comes to games. I’m the type of girl who likes to stick to what she’s familiar with and love that over and over. So when cBsM asked me to play, I was super reluctant. I just wanted to play StarCraft2. Fast forward a few months and here I am maxed at level 30 and soon to enter the world of “ranked games” 8D I say “soon” because I’m still not legible until I own 16 champions. So far, I’ve only been playing “Annie” exclusively.
Doesn’t she look so cute? :3
I guess I’ll see how I go… ^^” Maybe it’ll happen one day..maybe it won’t. Time shall tell!
Final Fantasy XIV
29th September 2013
Tags: cBsM, final fantasy, mmorpg
Dear Chibi,
Recently cBsM got me FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn as a gift, so I’ve been playing this over the last week or so (yay for 30 day free subscription!). It’s my first MMORPG so the concept is pretty new to me. I also had a difficult time learning how to move my character around but luckily I’m getting the hang of it! So far it’s been quite enjoyable~ but I’m mostly excited about the battles rather than the actual story/plot ^^” The visuals are pretty amazing and I love the battle music!
My character, Yui Moon~ A conjurer :D

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Email: chibijennifer@gmail.com
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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