My LoL adventures
17th May 2015 at 10:18 pm
Dear Chibi,
I’ve recently started playing League of Legends for the last 2 months, and it’s turning out pretty fun :) I don’t particularly like trying out new things, especially when it comes to games. I’m the type of girl who likes to stick to what she’s familiar with and love that over and over. So when cBsM asked me to play, I was super reluctant. I just wanted to play StarCraft2. Fast forward a few months and here I am maxed at level 30 and soon to enter the world of “ranked games” 8D I say “soon” because I’m still not legible until I own 16 champions. So far, I’ve only been playing “Annie” exclusively.
Doesn’t she look so cute? :3
I guess I’ll see how I go… ^^” Maybe it’ll happen one day..maybe it won’t. Time shall tell!