A wild one~ Mikayla turns One

25th March 2020

Dear Chibi,

A few days ago I spent an afternoon working on a card for Mikayla’s 1st birthday (it’s today!) Mich had originally planned a safari/wild theme party for her but it didn’t go ahead due to the current COVID-19 situation. I decided to draw Mikayla having a great time with her adorable animal-themed cake :) I hope she still has an amazing birthday with her family.

To everyone else, please stay safe and fingers crossed this whole nightmare will fade away soon.

Hubby’s first Father’s Day

1st September 2019

Dear Chibi,

My Amazing Daddy
My Amazing Daddy
My Amazing Daddy
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Christmas 2018

26th December 2018

Dear Chibi,

Wishing family & friends a very joyous Christmas! :3

Ah, it’s Boxing Day today. Despite my intent to check out the sales each year, I always end up too lazy and tired the day after. This year was no exception, lol. Here I am, 3pm in the afternoon, still in my PJs. I’m going to use this time to just relax and share some photos from yesterday’s festivities. We had a pretty big day! :D

This year Hubby and I hosted a family Christmas Party at home. It turned out to be an all-day affair starting from noon and ending at midnight :D

Group shot, just missing little Champy who is hidden in the garage :’)
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Brunch @Devon Cafe + an Arty Afternoon

3rd February 2018

Dear Chibi,

Ah…what a relaxing day :D Sompies and I had brunch at Devon Cafe in Surry Hills, and I was so impressed by the food :) It was so delicioussssss.

Portrait Painting

6th January 2018

Dear Chibi,

Today I did my first painting of the year featuring Korean beauty Pony :) Please click on the image below for a larger size:

I really like how she turned out, especially her right eye and her hair. The hair is always the funnest part *scribbles random lines everywhere* hehehe.

Zoomed in closer look

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A wedding gift for Somps & Dong

6th August 2017

Dear Chibi,

Today I spent most of the day working on a new painting as a gift for Somps & Dong’s upcoming wedding :)! I wanted this to look soft, as though it’s been done with pencil & water-colour. I’ve always liked the look of water colour art, but since I’m not too confident with traditional methods, I decided to do it digitally.

I’m really happy with how this turned out… I think it’s really pretty ^.^

Dong & Somps Wedding Chibi Painting

What a cute couple <3

Feared Soldier~ Sailor Saturn (Seramyu) Digital Painting

4th June 2017

Dear Chibi,

I once joked about only doing one digital painting per year… and it looks like that’s actually happening XD. Well, here it is! This is my first time painting Japanese singer Karin Takahashi as Sailor Saturn from the Sailor Moon Musical Un Nouveau Voyage :D I really enjoyed her performance and had the sudden urge to do a Sailor Moon fanart (it’s been a long time!)

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger view :)

Seramyu - Sailor Saturn Digital Painting by Chibi Jennifer

Seramyu - Sailor Saturn Digital Painting by Chibi Jennifer

I end up spending my entire weekend at the computer with my wacom tablet. All up, it took around 24 hours to finish. I’m really quite happy with how it turned out :) I took some liberties with her eyes to give it a more anime-ish feel. Hopefully she still has some resemblance to Karin XD

See it come together (Work in progress below)

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