New painting to start the New Year

2nd January 2016 at 3:33 pm

Dear Chibi,

Happy New Year everyone :) I spent my New Years day doing a portrait painting of Liu Yifei (Yes, it’s her again!) Click on the image below for a slightly larger view :D

Liu Yifei digital painting

I don’t like to think about how long it takes me to do a painting, because it always makes me feel inadequate ^^” I DO THIS FOR FUN OKAY, PLS DON’T JUDGE. XD I find painting hard, even when using a reference image.

Anyway, I’m really happy with how this one turned out! :D My favourite part is the left eye (her right eye). Funnest part to draw was the hair.

Work in progress


I kind of slacked off toward the end, with the shoulders and lower half of the painting ^^” Too tired. Please forgive me 8D I hope you like it too!

8 Responses to “New painting to start the New Year”

  1. Malavika says:

    That’s beautiful! You’re so talented! Don’t worry, someone who can only draw stick figures (me!) cannot judge you for mistakes that aren’t even visible!

  2. kaz says:


    can u do a painting of me? XDDDD

  3. Nadine says:


    beautiful image!

    How long did it take you to draw? And what tools did you use?

    Best wishes Nadine

    • Chibi says:

      Thanks Nadine!
      I did the whole thing using Photoshop CS4 and my wacom tablet :) Everything was just painted on one layer though.

  4. Jacky says:

    Great job! looks very accurate and nicely painted.