Vivid Sydney @ The Royal Botanic Garden
29th May 2018
Tags: cofa, vivid
Dear Chibi,
Last night Marcus, Emily and I hung out after work to see the Vivid displays around Circular Quay. It happened to be International Burger Day so we end up dining at Maccas’ and claiming our free Big Mac, woo XD.
There’s usually a ton of people at Vivid, but it really made a difference coming on a Monday night. There were still people, but it wasn’t crazy packed where you felt like you couldn’t move.
Here are some pics I snapped along the way :D The photos aren’t great quality, but it’s about experiencing it in person…right?? XD (I didn’t feel like bringing my camera ^^”)
Snugglepot and Cuddlepie animation. There was even a little booth selling merch XD
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Birthday Brunch @Qube on Bay
26th May 2018
Turning 31 ~ Birthday Weekend in Bundeena
22nd May 2018
Tags: birthdays, coastal walk
Dear Chibi,
Before I start jotting down my weekend adventures, I want to say a big Happy Birthday to my twinbee Kaz, who spent her birthday in Kangaroo Valley :D (She’s 5 minutes older, which I’m sure you could tell ;D)
One of the great things about having your birthday land on a Monday is being able to turn a single day affair into a weekend of celebrations. (I’m totally not complaining!) In fact, I was enjoying it so much I didn’t want it to end. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was my birthday every day? “Haha, you wish!” I hear you saying ;D Of course, I’m just being greedy. I know Hubby spoils me every single day :3
First thing on the menu was Hubby’s breakfast~ katsu sando! :D How cute is this little sandwich? It was his first time making it, and it was a delight ^^
Before we made our way to Bundeena, we stopped by this neat little cafe called Elatte Cafe. Oh my, the food is totally made for Instagram. How pretty is that pancake?? *drools* Taste did not disappoint either. So yummy!
When we arrived at the Royal National Park, we dropped by our little shack where we’d be spending the night. It has a fully equipped kitchen but the outdoor bath tub was our favourite feature ^.^
Me & Hubby’s Joint Korean BBQ Birthday Dinner
21st May 2018
Tags: bbq, birthdays, cofa
Dear Chibi,
Guess who’s over 30? 8D My birthday weekend begun on Saturday night with Korean BBQ @ O Bal Tan with the Cofa gang. It’s been a while since we’ve hung out with everyone, but birthdays bring us together ;D
~Mesmerizing~ *.*
Food was pretty good and super filling! I didn’t pay too much attention to what meat I was eating, I just had whatever Hubby/Emily/MZ put on my plate (which was plenty!) XD Here are some snaps from the night (Click on the photo for a larger view)
The guys got us a chopping board I mean, cheese serving board and a gift voucher for the Cheese & Wine Room. I will definitely blog the experience when we try it out some time ^_^ Thanks everyone!
After the meal, it was time for cake & birthday wish-making :D
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Hubby’s Birthday at the Blue Mountains
15th May 2018
Tags: birthdays, blue mountains
Dear Chibi,
Last Friday I celebrated Hubby’s 31st birthday over in the Blue Mountains. It happened to be really cold and windy that day (60km/h at 4 degrees) but we were prepared with our winter gear XD Upon arriving at Katoomba, we even got a glimpse of falling snow :D Ah, lucky!
We stopped by ‘Mountain High Pies’ for breakfast. The one pictured above is the ‘big breakfast pie’ which consisted of poached egg, bacon, sausage, home-made baked beans and chorizo topped with hollandaise sauce. What an appropriate name XD.
Grand Canyon Walking Track
We decided to go on the 6km Grand Canyon Walking Track since we haven’t been before. All up it took us 4 hours to complete including a break (with me walking at a granny pace ;D). The track was really pleasant and actually quite nice.
Happy Mother’s Day
13th May 2018
Tags: mother's day
Dear Chibi,
Today was devoted to celebrating the wonderful Mums in our lives ~
Lunch @ Holy Basil in the Shark Hotel.
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Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Dear Chibi © 2005 - 2025 Chibi Jennifer. Photography by Jaychan. All rights reserved.
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