
24th August 2018

Mirari - Double pass

Dear Chibi,

The friendly folks at Madman recently sent me a double pass to see ‘Mirai (Mirai of the Future)’ which came out yesterday. We tend to avoid watching trailers since they usually show the best bits, so Hubby and I went in pretty blindly having no idea what this movie was about. It turned out pretty cute and entertaining : )

I also caught a shiny Sableye on our way home *.* Feeling lucky today!


Spicy Ramen Challenge

18th August 2018

Dear Chibi,

For those who know me, I usually avoid eating spicy foods as my tolerance has always been rather low. Well, over the last couple of years Hubby has slowly trained me up and today sent this challenge my way:

It was actually quite delicious XD.

We both ate a bowl each, and I found the amount of sweat dripping from Hubby’s forehead so amusing XD Meanwhile my face is completely dry and I didn’t drink any water until I finished the whole thing.

WHAT A BOSSS. Yup, I just said that about myself :D

I’m still horrified by the sight of chili peppers though ^^”