Christmas & a MoonSticks comic book!
26th December 2016 at 2:37 pm
Dear Chibi,
This year we spent Christmas at my parents house, and it was a fun-filled day hanging out with my siblings & siblings-in-law.
There was a lot of yummy food to feast on. Hubby and I brought along 2 cheesecakes, one strawberry and one blueberry (not pictured). It came out a little soft, but the taste was there XD
After lunch, we played some Avalon and Taboo followed by Mahjong. 6 of us played Avalon- Me, Kaz, Sonny, Mark, Jia and Watson. Watty and Sonny were the noobies, but they sure fooled us :P Watty was the good guy but HAPPILY pretended to be a spy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHO EVEN DOES THAT? XP We played 3 rounds and I lost twice. That is not a good win rate ;P
For Taboo, Sonny, Jia and I were on one team, while Kaz, Watty and Raymond where on the other. We were trailing for most of the game, but came back with an epic 1 point win, yay! Poor Kaz realised too late that there’s a generation gap between her and her teammates XD If you want the boys to guess the word, it’s probably better to use gaming references as oppose to fairy tales XD. Meanwhile, Hubby was happily playing “E.V.O Search for Eden”, one of his favourite childhood games. I love the look on his face when he’s playing games. He’ll forever be a child at heart :3
Speaking of childhood, it was time for Mahjong, my favourite game as a kid XD It’s been 6 years since I last played, time to test my luck! (Come on, we all know this is the most random luck game ever :P). We played a few rounds with me, Kaz, Jia and Watty/Mark. I only won one game, and I was told it DIDN’T COUNT BECAUSE IT WAS ONLY A TRIAL RUN. Aw, BOO XP
We played till dinner time and had feast round 2!
Kaz got me this super awesome Christmas present… a HARDCOVER MOONSTICKS COMIC BOOK O___O!!! When I first unwrapped it, I thought it was a blank notebook with MoonSticks printed on the cover. Surely this couldn’t be a fully-printed 100-paged book containing every single one of my comics and misc art..right..? Right??!!!
That was exactly what it was. AHHHHHH!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Chibi: “I am so jealous…”
Kaz: “Of who?”
Chibi: “Me. For owning this book”
lololololol… 8D
She also made these MoonSticks badges/pins. I FINALLY OWN MERCH OF MY OWN STUFF :’D
Champy also got gifts from Max & Tifa :D Lots of cat toys!! Champy was having the time of his life XD Merry Christmas little boy :3
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas ^_^ Stay safe and have a great break!
Merry Christmas Chibi!! Awww really glad that you and Champy like your presents!!! ^^ I was anticipating what your reaction would be hehehe! Thanks for the ‘slug’ cup too!
Fun Christmas Day indeed.
Happy I got some mahjong luck yday!!
Thanks for such a thoughtful gift :D! It feels pretty unreal to have a physical book with my stuff in it :D
What an awesome gift! Very thoughtful Kerry! :)
Yah, totes agree :D
Ummm… I would like one too…plz. Are you going to selling it on your site?
Hi Vivian!
Thanks for your interest :) We currently don’t have any for sale as we are exploring affordable print options. Stay tuned for updates :)
I would soo buy one too, I love your comics! Please keep us updated on the process? :)
Yes, definitely :) I will be posting any news/updates to MoonSticks Twitter and Facebook pages
3 rounds, 3 wins B)….
still not a fan of the game though :p
You got us fooled that last round thats for sure! :P
thank jia for that one for digging his own grave :p