Well, Legacy of the Void is here!
29th December 2015
Tags: starcraft 2
1 Comment
Dear Chibi,
AH, Starcraft 2. It’s been months (years?) since I last played Heart of the Swarm, and I wasn’t sure if I would end up getting the new Legacy of the Void protoss expansion~ but it’s Christmas time, and my bro is awesome so… NOW I’VE GOT THE GAME 8D
Oh these note pads :’D. This is gonna sound silly but I’m slightly disappointed by the fact this notepad design is not Protoss/Starcraft exclusive. Where’s the consistency? I don’t want a generic Blizzard image, XP.
I spent some time checking out the new features, game modes (archon mode, CO-OP, vs AI) and had a glimpse of the new units. Most of the game feels about the same, except I’ll probably have to learn new build order/openings since the timing is all crazy off with additional starting workers, and less mineral patches. Interesting to see how I can incorporate the new Terran units too. They’re kinda weird at the moment, haha.
Well, I guess it’s time to Find Match! :D
Sailor Moon officially released on DVD in Australia!
8th December 2015
Tags: review, sailor moon
Dear Chibi,
YESSSSSSSSS. I am shedding happy tears :’D I’ve finally got a hold of Madman’s newly released Sailor Moon Season 1 Part 1 on DVD! I was over the moon when I first heard Madman had officially acquired both the 90s Sailor Moon anime (all 200 episodes and movies!) and Sailor Moon Crystal. This is a pretty big deal, as Sailor Moon has never been released in Australia complete, remastered, uncensored and uncut :D WOOO!
This new release features a brand new English dub by Viz Media. Having grown up watching the original English dub by DiC, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the change. However, I came into the first episode feeling rather refreshed by Stephanie Sheh’s take on Usagi. I had this massive smile on my face the entire time. I hope the other major characters have suitable voices too. But of course, if you prefer to watch it in Japanese, that too is available with English subtitles.
I know a lot of you might be curious about the video quality, compared to the DVDs released in the US. Instead of following suit with Viz Media, Madman used the same video masters as the European release~ which I believe is a fantastic choice! I was very pleased with the video. Everything looks so pretty and detailed! This DVD seems to tick all the boxes.
Lets have a look at the packaging:
This DVD comes with 4 discs and contains the first 24 episodes. The extras include behind the scenes of the new English dub as well as textless songs. It uses the original 4:3 aspect ratio.

Hi! I'm Chibi Jen. Mummy to P-chan, wife, a twin sister and comic artist from Sydney. This is my journal to capture my little daily adventures. Photography by Jaychan.
- anime & manga
- art, craft and doodles
- asian entertainment
- gaming
- general
- motherhood
- outting & occasions
- travel
- anniversary
bush walking
cherry blossoms
cooking adventures
fathers day
final fantasy
photo shoot
road trip
sailor moon
sailor moon crystal
starcraft 2
united states
Email: chibijennifer@gmail.com