Starcraft 2 Placement Matches
11th September 2010
Tags: starcraft 2
Dear Chibi,
Since getting Starcraft 2, I’ve been playing plenty of it every night. Jacky bought me a really really awesome gaming headset- just look at this monster =D I love it so much ^^ I will make good use of this :)
I haven’t entered the league yet though, as I’m really inexperienced playing against humans. I usually play against computer AI, where they behave in a somewhat predictable manner. Humans are devious though, you really don’t know what they’ve got planned up their sleeve. Nevertheless, I do intend to finish my placement matches one day and get into it.
To be placed on the ladders, we first have to complete 5 placement matches. Depending on the wins and loss, they’ll rank you according to your skill level with other players. The 5 levels are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Burpy is currently in Platinum, Marcus in Silver, Mark and I unranked. So far I’ve played 2 matches, both against players who were from the silver league. I lost my first one against a Terran last week, which left me feeling a bit depressed since I didn’t think I’d lose the first game. So I waited for a week to recover and finally played my second match this morning. This time it was against a Zerg player, and thankfully I made my first win! It was a very very very close game. I was so nervous and scared because I had made some terrible choices which left me pretty vulnerable in the end. My entire base was wiped out, while I was wiping out the opponents. Luckily I had one SCV escape so I ran and built a supply depot on the other side of the world. Because of that one structure, I survived longer.
What have I learnt? These games are tough regardless what others say. Hopefully one day I’ll not worry so much about losses and concentrate on the wins. There’s some cute portraits I want to get, and the only way to achieve them is by winning!
I am looking forward to entering the league in some team games too :)
This will look prettier one day!