Back on the Starcraft Ladder
10th February 2018
Tags: starcraft
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Dear Chibi,
After a 2 year break from Starcraft, I recently got back into the game through replaying the entire Starcraft 1 + Broodwar campaign. It was a pretty fun & super nostalgic experience. I’d forgotten how ridiculously hard it was to control all the units & buildings. Still, the campaign was pretty easy except the final mission – now that was a challenge :) (The game is now free to play incase you’re wondering ;D)
Afterwards, I checked out the Legacy of the Void campaign in Starcraft 2 and completed it in Normal mode. The ending was quite…. hilarious XD. If you’ve got the game lying around, I do recommend finishing it (even if it’s just to see the bizarre ending lol)
Next came some 1v1 on the ladder. I played a bunch of games in Unranked mode just to kinda see what’s new. Liberators? Teleporting Battlecruisers?! What’s going on? SO MUCH HAS CHANGED I CAN’T BE BOTHERED LEARNING EVERYTHING ALL OVER AGAIN. It seemed like too much work.
It wasn’t long before I realised I could probably still win the game with my good old marine+tank+medivac combo. It kind of didn’t matter at my level what my opponents were building or doing, lol. So off to Ranked mode I go! 8D
20 wins 9 losses
After my initial placement of Silver league Tier 3, I quickly made my way back up to Diamond league, woo! :D The new MMR and tier system is pretty neat. It makes it easy to see how close you are to being promoted or demoted. You also get this nifty promotion screen by simply moving up a tier within the same league.
I’m not gonna bother trying for Masters league. I’m too lazy to learn the new LOTV units or the patch updates XD For now, this is satisfying enough :)
P.S I realised I still don’t hot key my army :O