White Christmas for Christmas!

23rd December 2012

Dear Chibi,

One of the first things I’ve ever made as a kid was ‘White Christmas’~ something we did during school when I was in 2nd grade. It was really tasty! So to relieve that special little moment in my childhood, I decided to make it again as an adult :D


The recipe was really basic and simple~ melt the chocolate and mixed everything in together!

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Xmas Butternut Snap Rudolph Chocolate Tartlets

23rd December 2012

Dear Chibi,

It’s been a while since Chibi has had her last foodie adventure! I haven’t been very inspired for the last 3 months, but thanks to Christmas being just around the corner, I’ve gone all excited about it again :) Time to cook up something for the festive season! :D In this episode, we’re gonna have a look at how Chibi tackled these super cute ‘Butternut Snap Rudolph Chocolate Tartlets’~


(P.S I did not make up this recipe ;D I followed one, haha)

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