Diamond League on NA
21st December 2011 at 7:42 am
Dear Chibi,
This morning while being sick at home, I played my placement match for Starcraft 2 Season 5, and was promoted to Diamond league in 1v1 :D yay! But..I forgot to make a screen shot of this wonderful little occasion so, I have nothing to post here :P It’s okay though, since it happened on my NA account and I’ll still get a chance to get promoted on SEA where I’m still in Platinum league.
I’ve been playing better on the NA account (beating Platinum/Diamonds) compared to SEA (losing to Golds/Platinum) It’s a little strange. Maybe the play-style is different, or I’m focused more on mechanics since I’m training there, or because I’m more relaxed since I don’t take NA as seriously, or maybe there’s so little players on SEA that the skill difference isn’t as huge. Too many factors XD
Nevertheless, it is a nice little encouragement :) I want to keep getting better and hopefully be in Diamond on SEA as well! Then one day..just maybe, I’ll start to hot-key my army ^^;
Woah congrats!
that’s pretty crazy…I dont think I’ll ever reach, say, even gold lol
:D Thanks
I thought Gold was going to be my limit a year back.
Amazing =O! One step closer toward reaching my level 8).
hehehe ^-^