Sailor Moon the Movie Chibi Doll

6th November 2011 at 12:10 pm

Dear Chibi,
Today I created a Chibi Doll of Avery Danielle as Sailor Moon in “Sailor Moon the Movie” (Independent Short). I really like their costume design and the mask make-up is a great idea :)

Sailor Moon the Movie Chibi Doll

You can adopt the Chibi Doll (Miniature version) from Chibi Land as well as the original Sailor Moon characters :) Hope you like it! Have fun.


2 Responses to “Sailor Moon the Movie Chibi Doll”

  1. Jacky says:

    yay a new chibi doll!

    Looking good as always =)

  2. Jacky says:

    yay a new chibi doll!

    Looking good as always =)