Birthday Trip Part 3: Early Start Discovery Space

31st May 2022

Dear Chibi,

On our final day of our trip, we took P-chan to the Early Start Discovery Space in Wollongong for a play. It was really really cool! I wish this museum was closer to home so I can come here with P-chan all the time. So much to explore and lots of different play spaces. Here are just a few snapshots from the day:


Shopping time!

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Birthday Trip Part 2: Day out with Thomas

28th May 2022

Dear Chibi,

We spent the next day at the NSW Rail Museum at Thirlmere for “A Day Out with Thomas”. We were here just 6 months ago, but this event was all about P-chan’s favourite show, so we had to visit again :D We arrived early to avoid the busy crowd and queues and end up staying for 6 hours of fun! So glad the weather held up for us.

A picture with Thomas after tooting his whistle in the driver’s cab. It was playing lots of upbeat Thomas songs but they were all new gen XD. Need some more love for the original.

Next up we went for the mini train rides. P-chan enjoyed it very much and wanted to go on it again and again. Thankfully the lines weren’t too bad at this time so we went three times XD.

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Birthday Trip Part 1: My birthday

26th May 2022

Dear Chibi,

Last weekend we went down south to Wollongong for 3 days to celebrate my birthday :) I like to think of it as a joint birthday getaway, but Hubby insists to make it all about me. Feeling a lot of love from my boys. Thank you to everyone who wished me a ‘Happy Birthday’ too :)

We started the day with a delicious breakfast at our local cafe. P-chan enjoyed his babyccino very much ^.^

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P-chan turns 3~ A Thomas the Tank Engine Birthday Party

9th May 2022

Dear Chibi,

Happiest 3rd birthday to our sweet little P-chan! I can’t believe how quickly he’s growing up..Can he just stay this cute forever? :3 It felt like yesterday when I was planning his second Hungry Caterpillar themed party. For the past couple of months he’s been very much loving the blue tank engine (well, and green…and brown among others LOL), so I knew this had to be his party theme this year. I felt like I spent 1000 hours designing and putting everything together, but it was so worth it in the end seeing him so happy ^.^

Hand crafted wind mill that actually turns :D
Vanilla cupcake train~ choo choo!
My proudest creation, Thomas the tissue box :D
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