6 Year Wedding Anniversary
15th November 2020 at 10:27 pm
Dear Chibi,

Looking back on our wedding day…It feels like yesterday, yet also a lifetime ago (I’ve aged… but you look the same ;D) What an incredible day it was…. being by your side and surrounded by all our loved ones. Marrying you was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. You make me so happy, so complete. I’m so thankful for everything you do for me, for us and little Babian.
Happy 6 beautiful years Hubbiana <3

Dining out for the first time without P-chan. Little Babian is having fun at his grandparent’s place tonight, while we relax and focus on eating ^^

We enjoyed a delicious meal at Shinmachi in Newtown. I loved everything.. but my favourite was the spicy and crispy kingfish tacos *thumbs up* :D

Happy anniversary to you both
Happy Anniversary
happy anniversary !
Happy anniversary
Happy anniversary! ^_^
Happy Anniversary! :)