Christmas 2018

26th December 2018

Dear Chibi,

Wishing family & friends a very joyous Christmas! :3

Ah, it’s Boxing Day today. Despite my intent to check out the sales each year, I always end up too lazy and tired the day after. This year was no exception, lol. Here I am, 3pm in the afternoon, still in my PJs. I’m going to use this time to just relax and share some photos from yesterday’s festivities. We had a pretty big day! :D

This year Hubby and I hosted a family Christmas Party at home. It turned out to be an all-day affair starting from noon and ending at midnight :D

Group shot, just missing little Champy who is hidden in the garage :’)
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Hot summer day and a freezing K room

9th December 2018

Dear Chibi,

2 more weeks till the Christmas break ^^ December sure came around quickly :) Today I spent the day hanging out with Kaz & Kat~ doing a bit of chit chat, lunch, shopping and of course karaoke.

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Cofa BBQ Lunch @Somp’s

2nd December 2018

Dear Chibi,

Somps & Dong hosted an end of year BBQ catch up at their place with the Cofa crew. They made burgers for lunch and everyone brought in a dish to contribute.

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