Crisis Moon Compact Necklace :3

7th November 2012 at 7:31 pm

Dear Chibi,

Yaaay! After waiting for about a month, I finally received my very own Crisis Moon Compact necklace created by the talented KumaCrafts! This is based on Sailor Moon’s Super S henshin compact from the 4th season. It’s sooo adorable and pretty and shiny! I’m really happy with it.

Now I’m having second thoughts about wearing it… what if I accidentally damage it? D: Guess we’ll see ^^;

Crisis Moon Compact necklace by Kumacraft

Crisis Moon Compact necklace by Kumacraft

Crisis Moon Compact necklace by Kumacraft

15 Responses to “Crisis Moon Compact Necklace :3”

  1. InvertMouse says:

    Looks cool (^-^)! Yeah, if I were in your position, I would just keep it in my room for display purposes XD~

  2. Alice says:

    Nice crisis moon

  3. Alice says:

    You still play with Sailor Moon at this age? @_@

    • Chibi says:

      What do you mean by “play”? Your comment is rather rude, too. :/

      • Jacky says:

        Ya it’s not a toy. This stuff is considered treasure.

        • Kyan says:

          Pshaw. The first thing I’d do is tie my hair up in odangos, and run around my house shouting “MOON CRISIS, MAKE UP!” and firing off attacks at my pets.

    • Why can’t people understand that you don’t have to be a certain age to enjoy something? Anime fans have it so hard cos people like you keep thinking it’s for kids, where the stories are extremely valuable and can be enjoyed by all ages – Sailor Moon the same! Plus, this is a collective item, not a toy to be played with.

    • Kyan says:

      Dude… you just came to a blog that’s all about cute chibis and pink all over and has a link to a comic purely about Sailor Moon that the author draws, and posted that like you were surprised. Are you stupid?

      I’m 32. And I LOVE Sailor Moon. I always will. I hope to own this compact, and make my grandchildren embarrassed when I get dementia and start thinking I AM Sailor Moon. IT WILL BE AWESOME.