Chocolate Princess

6th March 2011 at 4:27 pm

Dear Chibi,

Yay! I’ve finally completed my latest digital painting.. a portrait of Hong Kong singer Charlene Choi (Twins) which I named “Chocolate Princess” :) I started this a week ago and spent about 25-30 hours on it total- pretty crazy huh? I based this image entirely off a reference image- so nope, I didn’t make her up. Maybe one day I’ll be good enough to paint without a reference (though that will be super tough!)

This artwork is my personal best so far so I hope you like it too!

Chocolate Princess art work in progress

Digital painting work in progress

Special thanks to Maki who gave me a crash course on how to blend colours yesterday (when the painting was almost done! haha). I was having a lot of trouble blending colours and it gave me an idea of how to tackle it (though I didn’t follow it exactly, I adapted it to my own style) You can compare the difference with the 2nd picture above with the one below.

Chocolate Princess Close Up

Close up of the finished painting at 100% scale.

Charlene Choi as Chocolate Princess
My favourite parts: Her eyes, her hair with the melting chocolate and the left side of her dress
Most difficult aspect: Her face (in particular her lips), painting/blending skin tone and colouring her dress

Final comments: The fur on her back was fun to paint (though very tiring since I drew every stroke)
I like how she looks in the end, except her face is slightly more chubby than I’d like (it looked thinner in previous revisions but in the end the lighting made her more round.. and I couldn’t fix it, haha)



8 Responses to “Chocolate Princess”

  1. Maki says:

    Absolutely stunning painting!

    It just looks so good and ur lines are neat as always. Good job with the color blending too =)
    The fur looks really realistic so well done.

    What happened to the rabbit? u started drawing it =P

    • chibi says:

      Thanks!! :D I love how the fur looks too actu­ally (and good thing it was easy to do com­pared to the rest) caught the rab­bit. umm…I got too tired to add it in, but yes you can see the line for it in the WIP XD hehe

  2. Amiee Brydges says:

    This is beautiful!
    You know you must share your secrets! ;D
    Everything on it is just so… wow!

  3. kaz says:

    That’s crazy!!! XD Wow…awesome artwork!! :D

  4. kressa says:

    i love it … especially the hair and the details to the outfit.

  5. S-tarlight says:

    Do you mind sharing “How to blend well?” please? I have problems blending as well :(( please please! Thank you!

  6. sugar says:

    amazing!!!! I luv this picture as well ^_^